Why You Should Never Let Browsers Save Your Password?

New Zealand Computing Solutions
3 min readDec 20, 2021


Can you imagine how many account registrations you have done on different websites and apps?

Most of the time, you are only allowed to use an app or other services if you have a registered account on them. Registering an account requires you to have an email address or a username and a strong password. Creating a strong password is not difficult to do, but remembering it could be the difficult one. People have different ways of remembering their passwords such as saving passwords in their browsers.

We can’t deny that saving passwords in browsers brings much convenience. If you let the browser save your password, you will not have to type in your login credentials the next time, fantastic right? It’s fast and convenient. However, there is a catch. If you care about your data security, you should never let browsers save your password. Why?

If someone gets physical access to your computer, they can easily view your passwords

If you accidentally leave your computer, people around you can easily view your passwords. There will be no password guessing game for them. They can also have access to your private data including social media accounts, financial information, and your private messages.

Can you imagine how bad this could be? They can use your data for their own purposes such as identity theft, money-making scam, unauthorized money transfer, and many more.

Browsers could expose your passwords

Most browsers have their own database of usernames and passwords of their users. There is no assurance that every browser’s storage is encrypted or secure from cyber attacks. This means that browsers could expose your passwords from a data breach. Be reminded that Google Chrome gets information about you including your password for advertising purposes.

More malware can steal your passwords

According to Kaspersky, the malware simply puts in a polite request to the browser’s data encryption tool to decrypt information stored on your computer. With requests seemingly from the user considered safe by default, in response, the stealer gets all your passwords and credit card details.

In addition, some malware uses legit tools to extract and send the passwords to the hacker. Hackers aren’t interested in your password itself. They are also interested in your cryptocurrency, gaming data, and other online payment activities.

Why do you need a password manager?

For better security combined with convenience, use a password manager like Bitwarden. Password managers help you store and fill all your passwords automatically. Passwords, credit card numbers, bank accounts, addresses, and other sensitive information are stored in one place.

Password managers require a master password to protect all of your stored passwords and information. If you remember your master password, then your password manager will let you view your stored information. Password managers store your information in a strongly encrypted form. This can prevent you from being hacked.

This video can help you to get started with a password manager.

How to get started with a password manager Bitwarden

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to message us.



New Zealand Computing Solutions

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